Saturday, April 18, 2015

Looking Around for Inspiration

Looking back at the second blog, I was beginning to wonder if I should have kept the faces that were already there.  Well, too late now.  So what to do while I was deciding what kind of bunnies I was going to have?  I decided to put that on the backburners of my mind and start painting the clothing.

I started with a bright red dress for the girl.  It's going to get painted over with a pink pearl paint.  I learned that if you use pearl paint, it's best to put a flat color on first.  Otherwise you are painting layer after layer after layer to get any decent color.  The boy bunny is getting dark green coveralls with a contrasting green at the cuffs and the inside.
Still not knowing what color I wanted the bunnies to be, I went to google images for rabbits and found this.
I didn't know bunnies came in that kind of flavor.  It really reminded me of a cat I know.  Skippy!

Well, now.  There's a thought.
Doesn't look like much now.  But just you wait.  I'll figure this out.
Remember to wash your brushes!

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