Saturday, April 11, 2015

Frankenstein's Bunnies

Well, this was an experiment gone awry! 

Way back in my college days, I took a stagecraft class, and actually did pretty well with it.  One of the most important lessons I learned was the 3 colors rule.  When you go to a play, those are not simple painted walls you see.  It's not like at home, where you run a couple of layers of the same paint over the wall and leave it at that.  In theater, the lights are a lot more intense and in order for the walls to look "normal" there are actually at least 3 colors applied to the canvas flats.  A base color that covers the entire flat, and then, using either a splatter technique or a sponge technique, you add different colors to give the flat texture and life when the lights hit it. 

I have found that technique to be useful here as well.  Last time, I painted my basic color, the golden brown, on the bunnies.  Then I took a darker color and mixed water into it to act as a wash that would seep into the sculpted crevices.

With the wash in one hand and a paper towel in the other, I began to apply the wash. Then let that dry. 
I then took a lighter color and with a very dry brush, lightly loaded with paint, went over the bunnies.  I made the grave mistake of putting white in the eyes.  Zombie bunnies.   This technique clearly did not work with these figurines.

Back to the drawing board. 

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