Saturday, August 15, 2015

Li'l Red Truck

Hello All.  This is another one I started last year; a small truck I painted red.  Ignore the little blue car for right now.  I'm still working on that one.  Anyway, I decided I was going to go fairly straightforward with this little truck.

 I started by adding a metallic red finish, then used a copper metallic paint to outline the windows, doors, hood and back end.  I painted silver metallic bumpers and door handles.  The wheels are gloss black with silver metallic hubcaps. 

I painted on a front radiator cover and instead of the google eyes, I put on faux crystal buttons for the head lights. 

And red ones for the tail lights in the back.

Pretty simple.  But I like it.  Here it is all put together and finished.  The back first.
And here's the front with a couple of windshield wipers in black.  All ready for a Christmas load down route 66.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Purple & Yellow Cars

These are some cars I actually started working on last year.  They look like VW Beetles. 

They just needed some touch up.  I painted the tires with the black gloss on two of them and left the last one with flat black tires.  I added the little google eyes to two of them as headlights.  On one of the yellow ones I had tried using some fabric - I don't remember what you call it, but it has a shiny plastic look to it.  Anyway, I just couldn't get the lines straight.  And it ended up looking blah.
I got the idea to put a 66 on the top, but it still looked blah to me.  I also had another yellow car that I had outlined in blue and did the dot and dash thing. 
I ended up putting the google eyes on the windshield and felt like it really gave it a whole new character.  I outlined little 66 in black to give it more definition and here are the three little cars all together.  Ready for their Christmas on Route 66.  Or is it 99.  66.  It's 66.
Next, the little red truck.  That one turned out nice!
Remember to wash your brushes!

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Inspiration for Christmas on Route 66

Here is my friend Michelle, who loves to piece quilts.  She's the one who came up with the idea of a car theme because of this quilt she was working on.  Look at the themes!

The hotel and motel ideas along the way as well as road signs across the country.


This is simply a delightful throwback to the fabrics of the 50s.  I'm of an age that it brings up memories.

And what's a car theme without license plates.  Following are the major blocks pieced together.

Michelle is still waiting for some additional fabric before she has the top completed.  We are both coming along.