Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Broken Angel

Welcome back.  Above is my latest project.  And I really liked  how she turned out.  As I showed you last time, she apparently, at one time had wings, and they broke off.

So how was I going to fix this?  Well, let me tell you, porcelain is VERY HARD!  I had to start with a hammer to get the jabby part off.

Then I tried using this little file, and it worked, but it was ooohh, so slow.  So I went to Lowe's and bought some metal files.  Well, the file side hardly worked at all.  I had to use the edge of the file and chip, chip, chip away for many session.  I couldn't hit against the porcelain too hard.  I didn't want to break it.  So it was chip, chip, chip away.  I literally made dust.

I finally got it down to the point where I could now start filling in the holes from the original breakage.  I love spackle.  It's easy to work with and dries fast.  When that was dry, the small files now made sense, but I still had an uneven surface that I would have to camouflage with paint and texture.  Spackle isn't perfect.

A couple of months ago, I had seen the BYU Ballroom Dance Company perform.  In one number, the ladies wore these beautiful apricot colored costumes.  They were stunning.  I wanted something soft for my broken angel and went with that color.  I chose a mint green as the counter color for the shawl.  Then I took an old, crummy splayed brush and tried to give the bodice and bottom trim a kind of brocade look.  Over that was a sparkle glaze.  Looking at the back, you can't tell it had been a rather rough surface.

The little red spots are actually the sparkle glaze.  They are really shiny in sunlight.  I also added little dabs of sparkle to the shawl.

I chose to give her honey brown hair; soft hair color to go with soft, pastel colors.  I think it worked.  Once again, I used real make up blush, applied with a Q-tip to.  I love it.

And here she is, all finished, before and after - the back side and the front side.

I added some little cushions on the bottom and my new sticker:  Repainted 2016 by Meralee Stallings.  Then I gave it my initials to add to the information on the bottom. 

I feel like this has been my best work thus far, so I gave it to my Mom for Mother's Day.  She hates having her picture taken, but I took it anyway.  Smile Mom!  She was even wearing a matching blouse.

Next time - Little Boy Green is going to become the Golden Boy!  I bought him at D.I. for about $1.50.  I'm sure he had a kissing partner, but she wasn't there.  Now, it's just him, looking for a kiss.